RegisterPlus has been design specifically with children’s and youth work in mind. It makes it easy to record details of adults and children attending and ensures that all personal information is kept secure. It includes features to make conformance with GDPR straight forward.
It is important to keep good records of all who are attending for a number of reasons.
- To record that the parent/guardian has given permission for the child to attend
- To ensure that leaders have clear information about all children attending including any medical details and emergency contacts.
- To enable leaders to track how regular children are in attending
- To help follow up to inform or remind people about activities
For safeguarding reasons, it is also important to record all the adults who were present in case any issues should arise.
Being a web-based system means that –
- It can be accessed by any leader with the appropriate access rights
- It can not be lost or misplaced
- Parents can confirm and verify their data online.
- It works in a browser on any device.
Adults and children are registered separately and can be linked. So, a parent can be registered with name, address and other contact details. Then one or more children can be added, linked to the parent. Each child record stores name, age, any medical concerns etc. This is very flexible since parents can be linked to a number of children and children can also have a number of adult contacts.
Check In
Once adults and children have been registered, they can be checked in to a specific event. This is done very simply by selecting the event and then searching for the adult or child. Typing a few letters into the serach box will soon bring up the right name which is then clicked to include in the list of attendees.
The RegisterPlus interface makes it easy to find details of adults, children and attendance at meetings. It is also possible to download or printout various reports including a chart of attendees at a series of meetings.
An initial administrator (Admin) is registered when the account is set up. That admin can appoint other admins who also have control of all account settings. They can also appoint ‘Recorders’ who do not have full admin rights but can register and check in visitors.